Top Five Friday-Wardrobe Inspiration



I don’t think anything could be more fitting right now 🙂 

I have recently been trying to re-invent my wardrobe without having to buy anything new for myself. I like dressing in a more Ralph Lauren/J Crew/Gap style, but it’s hard when you have an extremely limited budget, and you’re also in the process of losing weight so spending money on clothes is a waste. Once I hit my goal, I know I will be more than willing to spend the money on the nicer clothes that fit my body and will last longer, so that will be my opportunity to re-do my wardrobe how I would like to. These are only some of the things that I found on pinterest that were inspiring to me when I thought about what I would like to start wearing once I can go and buy all new things. If I really wanted, I COULD go get things like that now, but I don’t have the means to and let’s face it, they would look better once I hit my goal.

I’m really into horizontal stripes and patterns so that is something I would like to bring into my wardrobe more. I wear a lot of plain, dark colors so changing it up would be nice. Generally going more preppy and polished is how I feel the more comfortable. Today I threw on a long sleeve shirt with a thin vest over it with skinnies and a pair of Sperry’s and I felt more put together than I had in a while. I can’t explain it, but something about the general look of the outfit made me feel good about the way I was presenting myself. As I said, once I lose enough weight that I will need to go get a new wardrobe, I will probably just reinvent the whole thing, but there are a few things I have been saving for years that are goal items I’m working towards being able to fit into- most from Ralph Lauren except 2 dresses, a pair of jeans, and a few shirts. 

I’ll get there, they’re all attainable goals, and I just have to stay focused. No reason I can’t do it.

In the mean time, I’ll just keep saving inspirational pictures to keep me focused !







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